
   Besides mountains ,I like sea.


   I love sea as I like mountains


       Ilove them so much

I can easily feel them

when I come back to the city


The light of sunset is on the sea

To sleep by the sea is such a wonderful experience 

At that moment,I hear the sea.

feel the wind and sky  

I am used to shaking my legs while lying down.

I feel I am so small,

compared to the sea

The mud is on my leg and back

But that is ok .

I enjoy the nature 


   I ever  introduced this singer --              

刀郎.and his mv on March 4 and 7.

I have known this singer for nearly two years. I like his songs and voice so much .



 I love Cranberries.

      I alos love方炯賓’s voice . So good

五佰 is also my favorite singer.

動力火車.I love their songs ,too

林憶蓮-I love( her voice





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